
Showing posts from September, 2023

Expendables 4 September 25, 2023

 I found the first three Expendables movies, quite fun, having always been an action movie fan. I always went in knowing the story was not what people would watch them for. That was why many people don't care if the plots are repetitive, but they always try to add at least one new element. It is not just new characters, but also making it seem as if one of them died. Of course, we knew that was not going to be so. It was mainly because Jason Statham's character is now going to lead the team. The action scenes were as fantastic as always, and whatever they do in the future, will easily be the same. 

A Haunting In Venice. September 18, 2023.

 A Haunting In Venice, was a fitting murder mystery to kick off this year's Halloween season. It starts with Hercule Poirot, feeling like he lost his skill as a private investigator and his faith in God, attending a Halloween party. One of the attendants appears to be killed by a ghost, and Poirot's old friends persuades him to see what happened. The more Poirot investigates his faith starts to resurface, and the culprit appears to be either killed by an avenging angel or a ghost, and I won't say how it happened, in order to avoid spoilers. If you want to know what really happened, you should go see it. 

September 11 and January 6 thoughts. September 12, 2023

 I know people, who I will not name in this blog, that debate whether September 11 was worse than January 6. The only thing I will say is that they were both terrible things and acts of terrorism against American freedom. One was the first such attack on our country in years while everything was prosperous, and we would have never thought that would happen, not to mention anthrax was ramped. The other was after a year where everything was on halt, and right after a Christmas season that barely felt like Christmas because we could not see anybody. Whether you agree about it or not, it means it still brought us together. That said, I think in 2024, we should let Third Party Candidates debate, because I am not crazy about either of the last two presidents. That is why I try not to be too political, not because I see things as black and white, but right and wrong. Any president in my books, is a fictional character, unless it is part of a prologue that took place before my lifetime. I ...

Knives Out, the new kind of murder mystery. September 5, 2023

 My genre is more action thrillers, but I do also enjoy murder mysteries. Knives Out was the kind I like due to its sense of humor, and how the initial mystery was solved early on, there was another one as the story progressed. The result of it, still makes me laugh. It was fun hearing Daniel Craig use the kind of accent other countries think is an American accent. It was not so much a who done it, as to a what also was done mystery. I have not had a chance to watch the sequel, The Glass Onion, but I am going to. That said, a lot of it is similar to my work, and if you want to read it, here is the link.

Equalizer 3 September 4, 2023

I did not watch the TV series The Equalizer movies are based on, but I enjoyed the movies. Mostly because Denzel Washington is always entertaining, no matter what he is in. There are times when he does not seem like a nice person to his enemies, but in the end, he is clearly doing it for a good cause. It took me a few minutes to recognize Dakota Fanning and it was not until the end when I realized what was significant about her character, and I will not spoil it for you. I also would like to say, Denzel's son, John David Washington, is also a great actor. It has been proven in movies like Tenet and the upcoming Creator.