
Showing posts from February, 2024

Dune Part 1 February 27, 2024

 With Dune Part 2 starting Friday, I would like to talk about my thoughts on the first movie. I only read the first book, but I enjoyed the movie. The action scenes may have been slower than most action movies, but they were getting ready for the action in the upcoming movies, much like Batman Begins before The Dark Knight. All the actors performed well, with my favorite character being Gurney Halleck. Timothee Chalamet was a good Paul Atreides, Rebecca Fergusson was a good Lady Jessica, Zendaya was good as Chani, and Stellan Skarsgard gave a tremendous, intimidating performance as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Other characters I liked were Duncan Idaho and Stilgar, and the best action scene was when the Harkonnens attacked the shield-wall. The trailers show that in the upcoming movie, things are going to be exciting, and I look forward to seeing it Saturday. As for the future, they are probably only adapting the books that center on Paul because when I first saw the first movie, there...

Drive Away Dolls February 26, 2024

 I always like road trip films and Drive Away Dolly had fun moments about it. The only thing that annoyed me a little was the lesbians, being lesbians. If they were more subtle it probably would have worked better, such as the flashback that showed what made one of them a lesbian. Also, there were moments where they did things with the contents of the package they came into possession of. I'm usually pretty tolerant of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, it is transgenders where I draw the line, and will not get into that. My point is, I think it would have been more entertaining if they were subtle about being gay. I do not tell stuff like that to a weekly Bible Study group I attend. I do not see why movie critics think that kind of thing is so artistic. That said, next week Smashwords is doing their 15 read an Ebook week, and I'm giving away The Penitent Warrior, the Covert Militia's First Campaign for free, and I am making progress in editing, The Primal Realm, The Covert Mil...

Madame Web February 22, 2024

 I'm sorry this is late, but I will explain in a minute. I know I said, many times that people are getting tired of superhero movies, but I am not. As for Madame Web, I thought it was average. The young girls got a little annoying, but it was nice seeing what New York was like before Spider-Man. Parts of it were kind of like Tenet, my favorite of the few movies we got in 2020.  That said, this was late because I have been working on editing my latest book, The Primal Realm, so my blogs might not be as often for a while, but I will get there. If you are interested in reading my books, click on the link.

On Modern Movies. February 12, 2024

 Throughout 2023 critics and audiences have griped about how there have been too many sequels spinoffs remakes and reboots particularly with superhero movies. I can see why people are getting tired of all that, but I always have fun I go see a movie based on a property I am familiar with or from a genre I enjoy. In fact, I just enjoy going to movies in general. I would like to see more variety, and I agree it is necessary. Then we get a movie that is not based on a comic book, not a remake of a previous movie, ETC, and critics hate it. The most recent movie I saw was Argyle, and I don't see why critics hated it so much. I particularly related to Bryce Dallas Howard's character as a novelist whose books imitate real life. My point is, movies are supposed to be a fun way to pass time, so just enjoy them when we have them.  With that said, I write books that will make good movies, and if you are interested in reading them and the work of many independent authors click on the link...

Argyle February 4, 2024

 Argyle was a fantastic action spy comedy. It tells the story of how a spy novelist gets involved in real life espionage. There are surprise twists throughout the movie, that will not disappoint action fans, and make comedy fans laugh. As an action-adventure novelist, I related to it because there are not many action movies about people in my line of work. The commentary about what one writes about being nothing like real life espionage was funny, reminding me of people telling me to do what is thought people like reading about, instead of writing the story the way I envision it. The dynamic with the main character talking her books over with her mother was like the conversations I have with mine when there are things, she is not much interested in. Even so, If you are interested in reading my work, you can click on the link provided, where you can also discover work from many other independent authors. I'm sure you will recognize the pictures I provided with this blog, and when yo...