More on Jack Stamper as a character and his allies. January 19, 2023
I already established that making Jack Stamper a hard rock musician aside from being a top-secret militia leader would make him a likable, relatable character, and I wrote about the members of his band, The Spectres, that assist him on his adventures, and a lot of interactions with new people he meets. When I was in the adult high school training to pass the gateway algebra test, I told that idea to a girl I met and when I mentioned Jack was a top-secret militia leader that was singer/guitarist in an alternative metal band, she said, "Well, what does he do when he is playing with his band, and they get attacked?' I told her they fight back, and she said, "With what, their guitars and their drumsticks?" That would not happen, but they do carry assault rifles in their guitar cases.
That said, nearly every friend I had, wanted me to base a character in my books on them, but unfortunately, I do not have room in a book for everyone I meet, therefore, some of the characters are combined with other friends of mine, mainly the Dawson brothers. Also, nearly every friend I had that was a girl wanted to be some kind of princess, but that would get confusing, so I made a few countesses, and others did not care. When I asked my last counsellor if she went through a princess phase at some point, and she said yes, until she said she did not want to wait around to be rescued all the time, so it goes to show that a lot of my friends have matured since I conceived my vision of the Covert Militia Campaigns in high school.
There are some that wanted to be portrayed as villains, and they will be mentioned in my next blog, and if you would like to read about them early, The Penitent Warrior, is available on any Barnes & Noble Nook Reader and at
Thanks sincerely,
Ethan Parke
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