The villains the Covert Militias Fight. January 23, 2023

 We all heard the axiom about how heroes are nothing without interesting and intimidating villains to fight against, and I worked hard to create the fiercest and conniving ones I could think of. The series most prominent and occurring villain will be the Dark Warlord Janus. Named for the Roman God of beginnings and endings, but more importantly having two-faces, making the destitute warriors he recruits see him as a savior, but it is really a facade. He only uses them to bring the world to chaos and anarchy. Nobody knows Janus's true identity, but it is believed he was a Middle Eastern warlord during the Persian Gulf War of 1991, who had half his face burned and charred in a convoy explosion and was resurrected by Satan as his warlord. He soon recruited terrorists from the Middle East and North Africa, then extended to the warring countries in the southern part of the continent. Next, he confided in the disbanding U.S.S.R. with oligarchs disillusioned about their country being Westernized and determined to revert it to communism. After that, he met with Arnold Schneider, who led the Order of Neo-Nazis, and were intent on making the same fascist juggernaut that started World War II. Janus and Schneider despised each other, but they worked together due to their similar goals. Charles Borden of The Pirate Spectrum was the only terrorist he actually seemed to like and respect, and when Janus aligned with the Iron Batons of Continental Europe, the Celts, a rogue faction of the Provisional Irish Republican Army, and South American drug cartels, he his goal was almost complete, and his only competitors were the Mafia Union. 

Knowing he grabbed the Pentagon's attention, Janus's spies discerned they were establishing a top-secret militia in every state, and deployed his agents to America to murder any potential teenager that could pose a threat, and sometimes just for sport, and that is how you will see Jack Stamper's origins. After murdering Karen Hopkins, Jack's girlfriend, Janus recruits a street gang that liked to torment Jack, in school and in his neighborhood, and attempts to make his friends turn on him, or make him feel out of place and discarded, so his leadership would be weak. 

On an unrelated note, Janus and most of his allies abhor hard rock and alternative music, which is why if Jack detains any of his warriors, they gag and strap them to chairs and make them listen to The Spectres perform. That is because when I was a teenager in high school, when MTV stopped playing rock videos, people in my classes would often sings songs I hated to torment and humiliate me, and sometimes my friends would not make them stop and sometimes even join them, and also make fun of my favorite bands, even though they were only pretending to not like them for amusement. I am not mad at them, because it gave me material for my stories, and it made me who I am now. I knew they would eventually grow out of that, and I thank God for it, and if you want to read about it, The Penitent Warrior is available on any Barnes & Noble Nook reader device and at 


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