Why fiction should be at least partially autobiographical. January 25, 2023


One of my efforts to become a better author, was reading biographies of my favorite authors. Some of the things I saw in them, were actually things I was already doing, such as naming and modelling characters after their friends and acquaintances, writing about what they value most in the world, and having protagonists that like and care about the same things they do. I often mention my favorite bands and movies in my writing, and a lot of characters enjoy riding bicycles, and you will also notice they have a penchant for headgear, but that will be in another blog. 

I have already mentioned that the reason behind Jack Stamper being singer/guitarist in an alternative metal band was to incorporate my love of rock music into the books, but as it progressed I saw it would make him a likable, relatable character. The members of his band are based on some of the best friends I ever had, even if a lot of them did things that agitated me at times, and some of them are combined with a variety of them. There were some things a few of them only did when I was present, such as talk in a particular voice or make the same corny jokes, but I got to where it did not send me into a downward spiral, and I am sure they matured now, even if at the time, when our group expanded, I would have to leave because they said somethings that annoyed me. At first a lot of them did not stick up for me, but it got better with time, and that is also part of not just Jack's character growth, but also his friends, and if you want to learn about that, you can in the book.


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