Casino Royale, the best of all James Bond movies. February 15, 2023

 It took me years to determine what my second favorite movie is after The Lord of the Rings trilogy because most of my favorite movies are part of a series, but it was definitely going to be my favorite James Bond movie. After years of consideration, I concluded that it was Casino Royale. All of Daniel Craig's performances are great, even the ones critics initially said were awful and are having second thoughts about, and I like Sean Connery, too, my favorite of his being From Russia with Love, but I also know I am not done watching Dr. No, Goldfinger, and Thunderball. For Pierce Brosnan, I have to go with GoldenEye and I seriously think Timothy Dalton is underrated. As for Roger Moore, all of his are on the lower end of good, they are probably ninety something on my list of 100 greatest movies, but my favorite has to be For Your Eyes Only.

What I say makes Casino Royale great as a bookworm, out of all the movies adapted from Ian Fleming's books, that is the most faithful. The main difference being the time it takes place, and they were playing no limit poker which was a popular thing in 2006 instead of Baccarat. Le Chifre was not fat and worked for SMERSH while in the movie it was Quantum that turned out to be a branch of SPECTRE and they were not mentioned until the sequels. Vesper Lynd worked for Her Majesty's Treasury and was not a secretary, and that is one of the things that makes it better than in the book. In the book, James was disgusted at having a woman accompany him on his mission, thinking they should stay in the kitchen, which would not be acceptable now. As the movie progresses, they develop as a couple, instead of James deciding to marry just because she is pretty, and he doesn't hate her. The action was a lot better, because the book barely had any, but it didn't deviate from the story, and was happening as a byproduct of it, something I am trying to do in my books. 

The story and action in Casino Royale are the exact kind of story I am trying to write, and I have always liked how at the beginning it was shot in black and white, and after James earned his 00 license, it showed the iconic gun barrel logo, and before the rest of the movie transitioned to color, it played that awesome Chris Cornell song, You Know My Name, and shows a cool foreshadow, when it shows a Queen of Hearts card, a brief glimpse of Eva Green, who played Vesper, as a clue for those who had seen the movie advertised, and a second later the card is the Queen of Spades, and that movie makes me cheer every time at the end when 007 says his iconic introduction.


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