Defense of The Hobbit trilogy. February 21, 2023

 Being so enraptured in the world of Arda, the world J.R.R. Tolkien created I will appreciate anything that shows respect to it. I have a soft spot for Ralph Bashi's animated version, even if it was not completed, and do not have a problem with the animated TV Hobbit movie, for the parts that are faithful to the book, even if the action was underwhelming. I look forward to the upcoming anime movie, Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim, and will now talk about the things in Peter Jackson's Hobbit movies. 

When I heard it was being made, I had a feeling it would not be as good as The Lord of the Rings trilogy, having spent decades being deemed unfilmable, but was still excited, because I always liked going to movies in December. While some of the criticisms about the movies are justified, the parts that were faithful to the source material were well done, because a lot of the problems were in the original book, and its only connection to Lord of the Rings was Bilbo finding the Ring in Gollum's cave, so they needed to find a way to link them. I like the cast and the action scenes. While I agree the Beorn character was under used, and that the dwarves were indistinguishable, to be fair, Tolkien didn't make them very charismatic in the book, only describing them with a beard down to the waist and a different colored hood, and except for Thorin Oakenshield, they weren't very involved in the story, and he gave the impression they were just there. I don't think it needed to be divided into three movies, but they felt they needed to connect it to the story that proceeded it. I see a lot of people griped about there being too many detours, however, the book was just as episodic, having had to deviate from their course in order to reach the Lonely Mountain. That said, when they got to the mountain, and with all the nitpicks about there being too many CG effects, Smaug was that kind of effect done right, and I will talk about it tomorrow.


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