More on The Hobbit trilogy. February 22, 2023


I talked last night, about how I respect anything that shows faith to Tolkien's world. Therefore, I have always had a soft spot for The Hobbit movies, even if they aren't as great as The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I like the parts taken from the book, even if there was some stuff in it that would be consider exposition now. 

The thing I will talk about tonight is the addition of Tauriel. A lot of people did not like her because she did not appear in the book. She was only made up for the movie for modern gender politics. I am sure Tolkien was not sexist, in 1937 women in fantasy stories were only rewards the heroes rescued, meaning he did not want to conform to stereotypes. Therefore, I have no trouble with the Tauriel character. I only think it would have been better if they dropped the love triangle between her, Kili, and Legolas. Instead, she should have been the character that persuades Thranduil to look past his bigotry toward the Dwarves and help them and try to make peace. 

That is the main thing I have to say. Things I will say more about tomorrow is how they underused Beorn, and Legolas should have only been a cameo. I understand how people think it did not need to be split into two movies, but I have no trouble with it, which I will explain more about tomorrow.


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