Thoughts on The Last of the Mohicans. February 9, 2023


There have been many movies based on James Fenimore Cooper's novel The Last of the Mohicans, but the best known and most recent, and only one I have seen is the one Michael Mann made in 1992, that received critical acclaim for the action, adventure, romance, and Daniel Day-Lewis's performance as Nathaniel "Hawkeye" Poe, and was one of the first R-rated movies I saw, however, if you remove the scene where Magua excised Colonel Munro's heart, it would probably be PG-13, but that is beyond the point.

It became one of my favorite movies immediately, and I have always enjoyed the soundtrack. Hawkeye is one of several heroes I used as inspiration for Jack Stamper, being rugged with a sense of humor, and values his friends and family, even if they are only adapted. He was sympathetic, but not somebody you would want to oppose in a fight. Despite being evil, we can in some ways sympathize with Magua, for the way he lost his family to the British and was made a slave to the Mohawk who fought for them. Unfortunately, that does not justify his actions in murdering innocent women, because as Nathaniel said near the end, he was making himself into what twisted him. Also, a villain inspired by that character will often speak in third person, same as Magua often did.

That said, that is a character that gave me an idea for a future villain, and there is a sequence I will get to soon in The Primal Realm, where Jack and one of his interpreters speak several different languages at once, similar to what they did near the end of the movie, and I hope you look forward to reading it, but first I have to write it.


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