Thoughts on Snow White and the Huntsman. February 20, 2023

 After writing about my thoughts on Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, and how the last MCU movie that centered on those characters always makes me feel like I am getting ready to go on vacation in St. George Island, Florida, I would like to share what I think about another movie that makes me feel that way, and that is Snow White and the Huntsman. I saw it six weeks before my family and I travelled there in 2012, and it was a fun trip, like it is every time we go there.

One would think because it starred Kristin Stewart it would be like Twilight, but I saw it because the trailers always reminded me of the fantasy adventure stories, I always enjoyed and drew inspiration from. The story was pretty generic, but I still enjoyed the battle scenes, and a lot of the acting was done well. Some criticized the way the dwarves were played by regular sized people with short people doubling as them, but that was a minor complaint. It is hard to be politically correct these days. Charlize Theron was a fun villain, even if she over acted a few times, but I think that was the point, and she was clearly having fun, and I like how it paid homage to what fairy tales were like before the twentieth century, where they were dark and gritty.. A fair share of the effects, especially the practical ones have aged pretty well. The less said about its sequel, prequel, spinoff, however, the better. 


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