Helm's Deep, my favorite Lord of the Rings moment. March 28, 2023
I have said ever since I started these blogs, that Lord of the Rings is my favorite story ever written. My favorite battle in the Middle-Earth saga, was always the one that is often called the Battle of Helm's Deep. The more correct name for it, however, is the Battle of the Hornburg, because that is the name of the fortress. Helm's Deep was just the ravine where it was located.
The only thing I would have preferred in the movie was to have Eomer be there the whole battle, and aside from the Uruk-hai, have the wildmen of Dunland be there, like in the book. That problem is likely to be remedied in the upcoming anime film, Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim. That battle has inspired battles in my books, but like I always say, first you should read them.
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