John Wick: Chapter 4. March 26, 2023

When I saw the first John Wick movies coming out, I wasn't too excited about it. I thought it would just be an average crime thriller, but seeing Keanu Reeves fight in those movies was superb. Every time, they try doing something creative with the action sequences, or play with the cliches that work, by not letting you think when something will happen. 

In Chapter 4, they did just what I described. There was a cool scene where John was fighting from a topographical shot, which is something you don't often see. One of my favorite cliches in fight sequences is stairs, and there was a really fun fight on them. There is a dual near the end, when you don't notice John violated one of the rules. 

Case in point, the John Wick movies, do not have much in the way of story, but he is a likable, relatable character, and the action scenes are always outstanding. That is just like I try doing in my books, and if you are eager to read them, you know what to do. 



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