Ladyhawke, the best Medieval Fantasy movie you probably didn't see. March 20, 2023
The story takes place, in Medieval Italy, where a pickpocket, played by Matthew Broderick, escapes an evil bishop's dungeon, the only person to do so. He then meets a mysterious black knight, accompanied by a hawk. While the knight is later nowhere to be seen a mysterious women appears with a wolf. In time, the thief learns that the knight, who was once captain of the bishop's guards, and the lady, were once lovers, and the bishop, who was furious with their love, made a deal with the devil to curse them for life, so they were always together and forever apart.
There is a lot of storytelling techniques in that movie, that are not often seen today. A lot of it is very subtle. For one thing, they do not tell you everything immediately, and let you find out as the story progresses. There are somethings they do not explain fully. There is one scene in particular, where the knight first appears, where one of the bishop's men, addresses him as captain, and shows deference to him, with just that one word. Infuriated, the current one, shoves him onto his sword, and the knight retaliates by punching him. After fighting the rest of his men, he pulls his sword from his body, showing sorrow and remorse. It hits me every time, near the end when they try to see each other at the break of dawn and fail. It has a lot of touching scenes like that, as well as action, including a climactic joust in a church, which like most of the movies in my collection it gave me ideas for books.
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