Raoul Silva, More Than a Villain. March 15, 2023

James Bond fought a variety of villains in the sixty years he's been a movie character. Some of them stick out and are well remembered. Some are quickly forgotten. And some are the only good thing in the movie. A lot of them did give me ideas for villains in future books, if they did not already appear in them. 

One of the most unique of them, was Raoul Silva in Skyfall. Javier Bardem said throughout production, that Silva was more than a villain. What he means by that is hard to explain. Silva may not have appeared until almost an hour into the movie but was still fantastic. We can sympathize with him because of how M left Silva to die. The thing about that is in short, there were political reasons she could not rescue him, and there would have been a war if she did. There was no way she could have known his cyanide capsule did not work. That led to his somewhat suicidal side, as he almost got M to shoot them both, even though she was already dying. What makes Silva unique is that he did something villains in Bond movies and action movies in general is he technically won. Though Bond threw a knife in his back, his goal was to kill M, and she succumbed to her injuries soon after. 

That said, I have already said I intend to use many of them as inspiration for villains the Covert Militia will fight. If you downloaded a copy of it last week during Smashwords Read an Ebook week, I thank you. I look forward to giving it away the next time they do that, but now it is only $1.99, so if you have not, what are you waiting for?



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