Return of the King. March 1, 2023

 Peter Jackson said he made The Fellowship and The Two Towers to get to Return of the King. It was Jackson's favorite, and a lot of people say the same. Mine, however, is still The Two Towers, but I sight the whole trilogy as my favorite book, movie, and favorite story ever written. 

The Return of the King finally won the Oscar for Best Picture, though I think they all should have. The Battle of Pelennor Fields was outstanding, even if it felt like an encore to Helm's Deep. There are only a few minor issues I take with it. Those are, I think the Haradrim archers should not have been the only humans fighting for Sauron. They showed Easterlings in the Two Towers, so they could have at least showed them running alongside the oliphants. They didn't have to have all the forces Tolkien mentioned in the book, as some of them were only mentioned and not described. I also think they should have kept the Army of the Dead vague like in the book, and also had the Dunedain fighting with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. I also would have preferred if at least Aragorn was on horseback when they joined the battle. But those are only personal preferences. 

Return of the King is the one entry in the story, where they omitted the most characters from the book, because when I first read it, that was where I met a lot of characters that did not appear in the movies. It was mainly, Beregond, Ghan Buri Ghan, and Imrahil. Jackson said, he wrote those characters into the script. But after getting that far, he saw it would take time away from the characters the audience has gotten to know and like. It is also the one movie in the trilogy, where I feel the most scenes appear in the extended cuts, and I will talk about them tomorrow. 


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