Smaug, the best dragon in cinema. March 22, 2023

In addition to the dinosaurs, I was always determined to include dragons in my books. You have probably already, guessed that Smaug in The Hobbit, is my personal favorite. His armor is iron like tenfold shields, his teeth were like swords, his claws spear, his tail a thunderbolt, his wings were hurricane, and his breath was death. I used those terms in how I created the dragon, Diablo, in my first book, The Amulet War, aside from several species of dinosaurs. 

Even if you didn't like The Hobbit movie trilogy, you can at least agree the build-up to Smaug's appearance was well made. Seeing him in the teaser trailer, I knew there was no way that would be the finished design. Bennedict Cumberbatch gave a chilling performance providing his voice, and motion-capture. The only issue is, though I did not have a problem with the Dwarves fighting with him, inside Erebor, I also think his attack on Laketown might have been a better climax, but I digress. 

Lindsey Buroker, who is giving me advice about how to sell more books with Smashwords writes a lot about dragons. I am currently reading her Heritage of Power Cycle. having almost finished the third book. That said, I look forward to introducing dragons like that in my future books, but first you have to read them and I have to write them. 


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