What I thought about the last Star Wars trilogy. March 7, 2023
I was only a baby when Star Wars: Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi was released in theaters. Unlike most Star Wars fans, I never had a problem with the Ewoks, but I see why a lot of people don't like them. That said, whatever Disney has planned for that galaxy in the future, at least in movies, I don't think any Star Wars movie will be as great as A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.
I will quickly mention the prequels, before I get to what I titled this blog. I did not think they were good movies, but they were movies with good things in them. It is obvious, a fair share of people enjoyed those, mostly people who were kids when they were released, which is why I never found the Ewoks annoying.
Now that I got my introduction out of the way, I will say, I thought the sequels were good, sci-fi, fantasy, action/adventure movies, but not good Star Wars movies. They had a lot of missed opportunities that would have made them feel like Star Wars movies. I did not mind Rey going on the same basic adventure as Luke Skywalker but was annoyed that they did nothing different or unique with the other characters. Some of the things they could have done was maybe not have Kylo Ren repent and stay evil. They could have explored what made Finn renounce the First Order. They could have explained how the Emperor created Snoke through the Dark Side. They could have made that nonsense at the casino shorter and dropped the subplot about Poe Dameron needing to get his head out of his cockpit and learn to be a leader and not a hero. It was difficult with Carrie Fisher passing away during production, but they could have just worked around her absence.
Even so, I am pretty sure a lot of that was made up as the movies were being made. It was like the plot twist about Luke and Leia being brother and sister. What I enjoyed was the action was as fun as it always is in Star Wars movies. The acting was well, because Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac are all good actors.
I am also obligated to remind you, that my novel, The Penitent Warrior, is given away in a free promotion with Smashwords, until March 11, so help yourself.
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