Free Guy, what it's like to be part of a video game. April 3, 2023

Nobody talks about the movie Free Guy much, at least since it left theaters. I can see some people thinking it would be stupid, but from the advertising I had a feeling it would be a pretty creative action comedy. I like the premise, about artificial intelligence in a video game, and you can believe the title characters reaction to realizing he was part of a game. In addition to that, there was commentary on capitalism. What I mean by that is, there is commentary about how game developers and the media in general, think people will only be interested in stuff they are familiar with. They talked about making a game that is not a sequel or reboot, and the C.E.O. spurned it. All the same, there is no way of knowing there will be a sequel, and I am OK with that, but will also not mind it happening. That said, it reminds me of the way I am trying to find people interested in reading my books. I have gained followers on my Facebook author page, thanks to these blogs. But if you are interested in reading my books, just download them from Smashwords, or off a Barnes & Noble Nook device. 


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