Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, an unofficial Easter movie. April 5, 2023

 Every Easter Sunday, I watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I always felt it fit the holiday, being about a quest to find the Holy Grail. The main reason is, near the end, when Indy uses the Grail to save his dad. The heart of the movie, however, is Indy's relationship with his father. Throughout the movie, the two of them argued, with Henry always calling Indy "Junior" to his chagrin. That gave me an idea I abandoned about Jack Stamper's father call him the same, but abandoned it, to avoid plagiarism. 

When I saw it in the theater, just before turning seven, I enjoyed every minute of it, from when the Paramount logo turned into a real mountain. My favorite part, though, was with the tank. I first saw it, with my dad, my brother, my aunt, and my cousins, and when it fell off the cliff, the older of y two cousins asked, "Did it break," and always think back to that whenever I watch it. It also gave me inspiration to write a story that can be an unofficial Easter story, but first I have to finish The Primal Realm. 


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