Influence of Batman villains. April 24, 2023

 I have written several times about how heroes are as strong as the villains they fight. It is how they remain interesting. It is no secret that I based Jack Stamper mainly on Frodo Baggins, Aragorn, James Bond, and myself, but another hero I used as inspiration is Batman. Jack has a similar origin story to Batman, having his life changed after a night at the movies, the difference is it was his girlfriend that was murdered not his parents. While Batman lives in a city corrupted by crime, with only a few police who actually try stopping it, some working with the crime lords. Jack lives in an alternative version of our world, where the Dark Warlord Janus, is trying to unify all terrorist groups, so he can spread anarchy across the globe, making it a dystopia, similar to what the Joker plans to do in Gotham. Aside from the Joker, Janus is also modeled on Two-Face, as you can guess because of the Roman demigod he's named after, as well as Ra's Al-Ghul, because he is Middle Eastern, and somehow supernatural. The only villains who appeared so far, based on a famous Batman villain, is Charles Borden, head of the Pirate Spectrum, and the only villain, Janus actually likes, is similar to the Penguin. You can say Jenny Cummings is akin to Catwoman, being sometimes on Jack's side, but at first working with SMERSH. I have plans to feature villains, similar to other foes Batman fights, some that aren't evil in carnet, just had a tragic thing happen to them as children, often in school, sometimes at home. But first I have to write their stories, and if you are interested in them there is a link below you can click and then type my name when you are in the library.


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