Renfield April 16, 2023

Renfield was a fun horror/comedy. Nicolas Cage was a good choice to play Dracula in modern day New Orleans. Nicholas Hoult did good as the title character. It also has a nice commentary on what it could be like being immortal and how working for a corrupt boss. It nicely paid homage to everything relating to vampires in the history of cinema and played with all the ways one can kill a vampire in mythology. 

It reminds me of how in my books, I often pay homage to classic action-adventure tropes. I am always working on thinking up creative monsters, which is always a challenge. Even so, with a hundred pages surpassed in The Primal Realm, the follow up to my last book, The Penitent Warrior, so if you want to see what leads to the Covert Militia's current adventure, its predecessor is available on any Barnes & Noble Nook device and at


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