The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) April 9, 2023

I haven't played a Mario game since I first got my Nintendo 64, unless you count holidays at my grandmother's house, where my cousin kept his original NES console, before she was hospitalized. I had fun playing them with my cousins, and fun playing it unless my little brother directed me and griped about things I had no control over in the game, but I am trying to keep things pleasant. Those were fun games, even if I never actually beat one of them. 

The movie paid homage to pretty much everything Mario related, ever since he was created. At the very beginning, when Mario and Luigi first appear they are at a pizza restaurant in Brooklyn and a Jumpman arcade game is next to them. They have fun with things that happened in the game, and commented about how it was not logical. There were funny moments when they joked with the game's power ups, and the games music. They also referenced the theme song to the Mario cartoon series. Chris Pratt was fun as Mario, and Jack Black was a good Bowser, so I say the movie is a must for Mario fans. 


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