Oppenheimer. July 24, 2023
I could tell from the trailers that Oppenheimer would not be as action oriented as a lot of Christopher Nolan's other films, such as his Dark Knight trilogy, Inception, and Tenet. That is likely because it is based on true events. It was still a compelling story, and Cillian Murphy gave a good performance in the title role. It did not really get going until Matt Damon appeared, and they started building the test area in the New Mexico desert. The only downside was it was long and slow paced, making it hard to stay awake, but that does not mean it was bad.
I will also talk briefly about the Barbenheaimer phenomenon. I think that was a good way to compromise when two movies that are likely to be blockbusters premier the same weekend. Even so, the main reason was I didn't play with Barbies as a kid, as you would expect. After all I was a G.I. Joe, Transformers, Ninja Turtles, X-Men, Batman, fan, and playing with them is what inspired my writing. I have respect for people who make movies because they are passionate about what they are writing. That said, there is one more week left in Smashwords Summer Winter Sale, where I am giving my latest book out for free, so help yourself. Smashwords.com
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