It Chapter II was good but not as good as Chapter I. October 17, 2023

I did not read a lot of Stephen King's books, but I did see many of the movies based on them. There are some that are good on paper but not on the screen. Every October the Nostalgia Critic reviews something based on one of his stories. 

That said, I thought the first chapter of the It remake was good, and the second was good but not as good as the first one. Maybe if they made another that took place the same year or if Chapter II just focused on the group as adults, it would not have been so bad. Either way, it is a lot of Halloween fun, maybe not something I would watch every Halloween, but every other Halloween. A lot of it is about the coming of age and young adults going on adventures, and doing the same when they grow up, which is what I write about and if you are interested in reading them, here's the link.


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