If Disney starts making R-rated movies. November 27, 2023

Usually when Disney is not making money, they try something different. They once said they would only make G-rated movies, and then started making PG movies, and then said they would not go past PG-13. Deadpool is now the only Marvel Cinematic Universe movie scheduled for 2024 and will be their first R-rated film. If Disney or any studio they own starts making R-rated movies earn it, don't just be PG-13 movies with more blood and gore, more intimate love scenes, and say the F-word more than once. It bewilders me the way a lot of movies today, barely warrant their rating. It is mainly animated movies that get a PG rating just by telling one dirty joke or saying something rude once. If it is going to be that way, they may as well leave it out and be G, which we now see as often as NC-17 ratings. I remember seeing movies that were rated PG for mild language when I was a kid. What they mean by that is they swear one time in the whole movie. If that is how they are going to earn ...