
Showing posts from November, 2023

If Disney starts making R-rated movies. November 27, 2023

 Usually when Disney is not making money, they try something different. They once said they would only make G-rated movies, and then started making PG movies, and then said they would not go past PG-13. Deadpool is now the only Marvel Cinematic Universe movie scheduled for 2024 and will be their first R-rated film. If Disney or any studio they own starts making R-rated movies earn it, don't just be PG-13 movies with more blood and gore, more intimate love scenes, and say the F-word more than once. It bewilders me the way a lot of movies today, barely warrant their rating. It is mainly animated movies that get a PG rating just by telling one dirty joke or saying something rude once. If it is going to be that way, they may as well leave it out and be G, which we now see as often as NC-17 ratings.  I remember seeing movies that were rated PG for mild language when I was a kid. What they mean by that is they swear one time in the whole movie. If that is how they are going to earn ...

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. November 19, 2023

 The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes may be getting mixed reviews, but when it comes to prequels, I say they did right. It was also a pretty faithful adaptation of a book. The only differences I noticed was in the arena, when they tried to end the games quickly. If you have not seen or read it, I will not spoil it. For a villains origin story, it gave you an understanding for what made Coriolanus Snow the tyrant he was in the original movies. It explains the mantra he said at the end, and why he said it to Katniss Everdeen, "It's the things we love most, that destroy us." The only thing that gave light to his disposition was his family motto, Snow lands on top. If they make any more, or if Suzanne Collins writes any more books in the series, I will welcome it. They could explain what led to the rebel uprising in what was left of District 13 and show why Snow and Tigris had their falling out as best friends and cousins. It may not be great, but I will welc...

On Strong Female Characters. November 11, 2023

I already wrote about the failure of The Marvels and the way people are getting tired of superhero movies. Some people criticize that men are irked about women taking over their movies, which they are not. The reason it did not succeed was because people do not want to stop seeing comic book movies, they just want more variety, which is what we are starting to get. Though I always have fun when I go see a superhero movie, even if it is just an average one, I see why people are getting tired of them. With Deadpool 3 being the only MCU movie next summer, maybe with a break from the overload, people will get eager to see them again, now that they had diversity in theaters.  Now that I got that out of the way, I will talk to you about writing strong female characters. They do not need to constantly talk about being women doing whatever men can do, they just need to do cool stuff, and not make it have to do with their gender. With The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes com...

The Marvels November 12, 2023

 I know a lot of people are getting tired of comic book movies, but I am not. I can see where Martin Scorsese is getting when he talks about them hogging the box office. We do need some more variety in theaters, and thanks to Scorsese we are getting to see some more of it.  That said, I always have fun going to see Marvel, or any other superhero movie, in theaters. I would rather watch an average comic book movie, than the majority of what we got between 1996 and 2001. That is what The Marvels was, an average comic book movie. The action scenes were fun, the cast did good, and it had funny moments. Being owned by Disney it looks like they are going to start taking more risks, because that's what said company does when it is in a slump. On top of that, if Deadpool 3 is going to be the first MCU R-rated movie, I have no problem with it, but earn it. Also, if Disney is finally going to start making R-rated movies, just don't make everything that rating. I know a lot of teenagers ...

The Blue Wizards in Middle-Earth. November 6, 2023

 Many people forget there are Five Wizards in Tolkien's legendarium. People wonder why the other two never appear, and who they were. It is said that they came to Middle-Earth before Gandalf, Saruman, and Radagast, some even say they briefly returned to Valinor and then came back with the others. Some say their names were Allatar and Pallandro, but that was never confirmed. We know Tolkien himself stated that the Wizards (who are more accurately Mair Spirits in human form) came to Middle-Earth to stop Sauron in his rise to power. He said, only Gandalf accomplished his task. It is not confirmed if the Blue Wizards turned evil and became known by different names. What Tolkien may have meant in his statement is that people in Middle-Earth did not know about them, as a means of protection. That said, like Tolkien's life and work, it gave me ideas for future books, and if you are interested in reading them, click on the link.