The Blue Wizards in Middle-Earth. November 6, 2023

 Many people forget there are Five Wizards in Tolkien's legendarium. People wonder why the other two never appear, and who they were. It is said that they came to Middle-Earth before Gandalf, Saruman, and Radagast, some even say they briefly returned to Valinor and then came back with the others. Some say their names were Allatar and Pallandro, but that was never confirmed. We know Tolkien himself stated that the Wizards (who are more accurately Mair Spirits in human form) came to Middle-Earth to stop Sauron in his rise to power. He said, only Gandalf accomplished his task. It is not confirmed if the Blue Wizards turned evil and became known by different names. What Tolkien may have meant in his statement is that people in Middle-Earth did not know about them, as a means of protection. That said, like Tolkien's life and work, it gave me ideas for future books, and if you are interested in reading them, click on the link.


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