The Waitress, one of the only movies I walked out on. December 11, 2023

 I rarely walk out on movies, but if the one I bought a ticket for is cancelled, I do so. The other night, I had a ticket to see Silent Night, only because of the action scenes. It got canceled for some reason, so I saw The Waitress which was playing in the same auditorium. I was instantly bored, just seeing a play on a big screen. That's all it was, it was the same as the play, only it was on a screen, and looked like it was on a stage in front of an audience. I instantly saw where the story was going, and knew it was just going to be that for two and a half hours and walked out. I appreciate them trying to be creative, but showing a movie, like a stage musical on the big screen is not so good, you need to be like a movie. There are better movies coming, and I can see a real movie this weekend, so it is all good. 


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