Wanka December 17, 2023

I don't remember ever being a huge fan of the original Willy Wanka and the Chocolate Factory movie, but I did not hate. I was always found it simply, OK, and I thought the same about the new movie. There were a few weird musical numbers, but Timothee Chalamet did a good performance. Hugh Grant was pretty funny as an Oompa Loompa. The only downside was it did not show what made Wanka the secret villain he was in the original, but it is a fun family movie this holiday season. That said, Smashwords is having their annual end of year sale, and it looks like my novel, The Penitent Warrior is finally trending. So far, I gave out twelve copies of it for free, and that shows showing the generosity associated with the holiday will result in greatness. If you are interested in reading any action thriller/fantasy adventure, or if you are just looking for a good book to read as a Christmas present, click on the link. Smashwords.com



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