X-Men movies January 15, 2024

 The first X-Men movie premiered during the dark age of movies between 1996 and 2001, right when it was starting to end. At the time, an OK movie, was considered fantastic. Every time a new one was released, I expected they would increase the action, and though they still had action scenes, it was not until X-Men: The Last Stand every major character was involved in them. I always liked the theme of prejudice in those movies. As a kid growing up with Asperger syndrome, in the era when nobody knew anything about it, I related to what they went through. That did not get better until First Class, which many people think is the best of them. I, however, always liked Days of Future Past, because it focused on the X-Men characters fans liked more. I think if they made another movie focusing on the team established in First Class, it would have been better. A lot of people don't like X-Men: Apocalypse, but I but I think if it was a standalone movie, it would not be so bad. It is also hard for me to hate a movie that features Metallica's song, Four Horsemen, because that's my bike riding song. I had fun seeing the Deadpool movies and look forward to seeing the third this summer. A lot of people are excited to see Hugh Jackman return as Wolverine, and so am I. Logan was my favorite of the solo Wolverine movies, and he was always my favorite X-Man. Logan, and Cyclops and Cable were all inspirations for Jack Stamper, and if you are interested in reading about his adventures and the work of other independent authors look for readers, click on the link. Smashwords.com    


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