Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire March 24, 2024

To start things off, I don't think anything relating to the Ghostbusters franchise will ever be as good as the first movie. Truth be told, when I was a kid, I thought the movie was based on the cartoon series and welcomed the sequel to the movie. It was never among my favorite movies, but I always liked it, and that said, I liked the parts of Frozen Empire that tried recapturing what made the original a masterpiece and update the parts that aged poorly. There were quite a few funny moments, just like in Afterlife. I understand why people did not like it because some of it was not appropriate, such as bringing back characters we only saw in the first movie. I like the way the main girl was trying to prove herself, and still screwed up, because that is what teenagers are like, including me, and in the end she did. 

I know Ghostbusters is nostalgia for a lot of people, which is why they eventually started making sequels after years of development hell. I know some who feel the franchise ended when Harold Ramis passed away in 2014, but I was not like that, and at the most I thought the last two were average. I know some writers were clearly inspired by it, and there were some elements that gave me ideas for books. If you are interested in reading them, you can click on the link provided.


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