Civil War April 15, 2024


The new movie Civil War showed exactly what things would be like if there is a Second American Civil War. The president and many American citizens pretended the turmoil was not happening, and when they stormed D.C it was thrilling. What was good about it is it was made to appeal to liberals and conservatives, for the way it depicted both sides eager to stop the conflict, and feeling like combat was necessary in some way. It was like The Outlaw Josey Wales, one of my favorite Clint Eastwood Westerns, which showed fighting and compromise, and was about when to negotiate and when to fight. It is the same thing I am trying to do in my books, and appeal to conservatives and liberals, and in my latest one it will be about how dinosaurs became extinct, talking about the scientific meaning and what scripture says. If you would like to see what it is like, you can click on the link to read my books, and many other independent authors at Smashwords.


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