New Star Wars movies and the future Mandalorian movie. April 30, 2024

 With it being Star Wars week, I just want to say something I've said many times before. That is whatever Disney has planned for future Star Wars projects, I do not think anything in that galaxy will beat A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. That does not mean there will never be another good Star Wars movie, and I'm pretty sure the Mandalorian and Grogu movie will be entertaining. As for the last trilogy, it is something I also probably already said, and that is I thought they were good sci-fi fantasy, action-adventure movies, but not good Star Wars movies. There are a lot of missed opportunities that would have made them better, such as giving Finn a better story arc about what made him renounce the First Order, and not randomly make Poe Dameron impulsive. Had they planned the Emperor coming back in the end from the beginning it would not have been so bad, same as having Rey be his granddaughter. There were a lot of good action scenes, and things they could have left out or not spent too much time on. As for the prequels, I thought they were not good movies but movies with good things in them. The Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries was for the most part good, though there were a few things in it that I thought would have worked better in Revenge of the Sith, mainly Ob-Wan's fights with Darth Vader. 

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