The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. April 22, 2024
One would think The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare would be a boring realistic take on the recently declassified documents about the first special force unit during World War II, but in truth it was a fun, action packed historical comedy. The action was great, and it had a fun sense of humor, and was acted well. It was funny how one of the supporting characters that established the unit was my second favorite author after Tolkien, and in the movie, he introduced himself the same way the iconic character he created does, when Cary Elwes character said, "This is Lieutenant Commander," and he cut him off saying, "Fleming, Ian Fleming." The end showed what happened to the characters after the event of the war, but it was for the most part, a fun action comedy. It reminded me of another action comedy, Guy Ritchie made in 2015, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. which underperformed at the box office, but most critic and audiences enjoy it, including me. I have a feeling if this underperforms, it will have the same fanbase as The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Also, if you are interested in reading the books I write you can click on the link to see my work and the work from many other independent authors.
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