What The Primal Realm is like. April 9, 2024


I have already written my own personal review of my latest novel, The Primal Realm, but this is a short blog about what the parallel world the title refers to is like. It is a primitive world where every animal that ever existed on Earth thrives. The land they see is partly desert and rainforest, which is why the people who live there call it the Desert Jungle. That includes extinct ones, such as dinosaurs. There also nomadic hunter tribes, similar to the Native Americans of the Great Plains and the Southwest, and a bit of the Inca, the Maya, and the Aztecs.  They mostly travel on horseback, but often employ dinosaurs and other large animals to assists them in agriculture and war. As a means of avoiding the Covert Militia going into White Savior territory, there are also feudal kingdoms. The first one they journey to is called Eoforham and its principal city is called Edmont. The title king is said after their potentate's name, similar to Rohan in Middle Earth. The people who inhabit that country are similar to the Celts, Saxons, Norse, and the Scythians, wearing armor consisting of mostly bronze, and wield swords, spears, axes, and shields.  Horses are just as associated with them as they are for the Desert Jungle's nomads, and their knights are often called Eomers, which is Anglo Saxon for warhorse champion, hence the name of a Lord of the Rings character. Other times they are called Rolingas, meaning horse lords. The knights there use the title Childe, which is an idea I got from a Medieval Northumbrian ballad I'm using as inspiration for the book I am currently working on, and one of them meets Jack Stamper and some of his officers at a hotel in Yekaterinburg, Russia. There are mountains across the Neander Desert, that lead to a porthole to Earth near the Neander Valley in Dusseldorf, Germany, inhabited by orcs and Neander people, leading to mountains called the Doom Decks, ruled by a vile tyrannical king. His knights wear human skulls as masks on their helmets, that are painted black, which is why they are called, The Black Skulls. They are allied to the Scorpions and the Order of Neo-Nazis but have their own secret agenda. There is a lot more countries and tribes in the Primal Realm, which the Militia names Cambria, after the band, Coheed and Cambria, such as the Kingdoms of South Anglia and Coryth, and they will be seen in other books. If you are interested in reading my work and the work of many other independent authors, who work for Smashwords, click on the link here. My latest novel, The Primal Realm, is coming April 20, and you can also pre-order it if you click on the link. Smashwords.com


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