Bad Boys: Ride or Die June 11, 2024

All the Bad Boys movies have fun action scenes and some good comedy, and Ride or Die was no exception. While from a distance all most people can see is the action and the humor, a lot of it is relatable such as the way Martin Lawrence's character was recovering from a heart attack, and still wanted to enjoy food. I struggled with eating healthy and still enjoying food for years, and once I started going to the weight loss center that closed down last year, I finally found equilibrium. It was also funny the way they acknowledged how Lawrence looks his age, but Will Smith looks the same as he did when he starred in the Fresh Prince of Bell Air. The comparison I make to my literary work is the way Smith and Lawrence's characters have been friends their whole lives, similar to Jack Stamper and Brad Marsh in The Covert Militia Campaigns, and if you are interested in reading about their adventures, click on the link to find not only my work, but the work of many other independent authors.   



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