
Showing posts from October, 2024

Venom: The Last Dance October 27, 2024

 Critics may be split on Venom: The Last Dance, but I enjoyed it, especially how the symbiotes took a liking to Eddie Brock, and it had some fun action. The digital effects might have looked a little cartoonish like most of them do, but it was a fun time in the theater, and like with the last two, if I'm staying in a hotel and it comes on TV I'll watch it. I have a feeling we will soon start getting movies where people work on them with passion and respect the source material, valuing art over money, and letting ticket sales be a byproduct of their passioin. If you are interested in seeing my work which I write with real passion as do many other independent authors, click on the link.

Arkangel, The Latest Sigma Force Novel October 22, 2024

 I have been enjoying James Rollins' Sigma Force novels, especially because they are similar to my Covert Militia Campaigns. The main difference is while the characters in my books start out as teenagers and advance to adulthood. While the Sigma Force novels take place the year they are released, mine start in 1996 and advance to the present. In the Sigma Force novels there are no parallel universes and anything that could be supernatural has a logical explanation in the end. In my novels the supernatural is vague, but all the same they had influenced me in many ways. Arkangel tells how the members of Sigma Force search for the lost continent of Hyperborea in the Arctic believed to exist only in Greek mythology, and stopping an evil Russian secret society from claiming it for their Motherland. Though they see the end of their longtime nemesis Valya Mikhailov, the epilogue reveals new enemies are coming, and if you would like to see how they influenced my work, click on the link....

Piece by Piece October 21, 2024

 I mostly stopped listening to rap when I was sixteen, and when I do now it is mostly Public Enemy, the only full rap album I have on iTunes. I mainly saw Piece by Piece because it was the only thing playing, and I liked its animation and the way it told a partially real-life story with Legos. It was clearly a passion project somebody had, and they should make more movies where people work passionately on them, instead of trying to meet deadlines, and also take inspiration from classic movies, and utilize what made them classics. If you are interested in literature people work passionately on, click on the link.

Modern Movies. October 15, 2024

 Movies recently have been given a lot of flak, due to having little to no originality, or being based on properties people are already too familiar with. A lot of people are saying they are not good anymore, but that is a matter of perspective. I say this, because I always enjoyed going to movie in theaters, and ever since The Lord of the Rings trilogy was first released in theaters, going to movies has been my thing I look forward to all week. I sometimes worry about theaters shutting down for another pandemic, but do not want to think too far ahead in the future and enjoy the time we have.  There are ways I think that can be remedied, such as announce a movie is being made based on a bestselling book and give audiences time to read it before it is released. One can also do something unique with a property well known to the general public, as long as it does not insult them, like Joker: Folie ah Deux did, so they say. I will stop there, but I need to remind we are less than ...

Joker: Folie a Deux October 7, 2024

 Critics are split on Joker: Folie a Deux but I found the musical segments and the courtroom scenes entertaining enough. I see why people did not like how it was grim and did not have the action one would expect in a Batman movie, but remember it is not a Batman movie, it is about the Joker. It is also possible that Arthur Fleck is not the same Joker Batman fought, but I will not ruin that for you.  It showed a look at Fleck's psyche that led him to being a sociopath, and it is never clear if it was from a mental disorder or if he was sane. Though some people felt Fleck should get the death sentence, some felt he spoke to them, showing the faults in society and that crime and murder were the only way to surpass poverty. I write books about villains such as that, who are the ultimate antithesis to the heroes, and if you are interested in reading about them, and work from many other independent authors, click on the link provided.