Arkangel, The Latest Sigma Force Novel October 22, 2024

 I have been enjoying James Rollins' Sigma Force novels, especially because they are similar to my Covert Militia Campaigns. The main difference is while the characters in my books start out as teenagers and advance to adulthood. While the Sigma Force novels take place the year they are released, mine start in 1996 and advance to the present. In the Sigma Force novels there are no parallel universes and anything that could be supernatural has a logical explanation in the end. In my novels the supernatural is vague, but all the same they had influenced me in many ways.

Arkangel tells how the members of Sigma Force search for the lost continent of Hyperborea in the Arctic believed to exist only in Greek mythology, and stopping an evil Russian secret society from claiming it for their Motherland. Though they see the end of their longtime nemesis Valya Mikhailov, the epilogue reveals new enemies are coming, and if you would like to see how they influenced my work, click on the link.   


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