Captain America: Brave New World February 17, 2025


A lot of people did not enjoy Captain America: Brave New World, but I did not think it was atrocious. My thought was, it was a standard Marvel movie, which would not be such a bad thing, if it was released ten or fifteen years ago. There was a fair share of cool action scenes, and I'm sure even the people who hated it, would enjoy at least one of them. I will try and be fair because Harrison Ford replacing William Hurt as Thadeus Ross, who is now President of the United States, becoming the Red Hulk was predictable, but you should not let that dissuade you from seeing it. My theory is that because Marvel Studios spent millions of dollars to produce the movies that had been delayed, they have to release them before they can start making movies where they can add new elements. It is a fool's hope, but a noble one. IF you are interested in reading my books, and the work of many other independent authors, click on the link.


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