How Tomorrow Never Dies was ahead of its time, and gave me book ideas. January 26, 2023

I was a high school freshmen when the GoldenEye video game was released on Nintendo 64 and was instantly hooked on it. That same year, the follow up in the series Tomorrow Never Dies was released, and though I consider GoldenEye the best of the Pierce Brosnan James Bond movies, its sequel, was not far behind it. 
At the time, I was picked on in school for being a hard rock fan, and what made the situation worse, MTV stopped playing rock videos. I have mentioned many times in my blogs that a lot of the Covert Militia's enemies despise that music genre, and after they are detained, they are gagged and bound, during Spectres concerts. If you are wondering what that has to do with Tomorrow Never Dies, it is because in that movie Bond is pitted against a sadistic news network chairman, trying to start World War III. In a book I have planned the Militia will fight the chairman of MTV who is allied with the Scorpions and the Order of Neo-Nazis and is indoctrinating degenerate teenagers to their cause and making them think rock music is dead and bubblegum pop music will reign supreme. The other thing that makes it one of the better ones with Brosnan is the action tropes in the two subsequent movies, was somewhat dated by then, and now with the internet everywhere things date a lot faster. 
The point to that is how in the age of the internet and social media, it is easy to receive false information and fall down a rabbit hole, and I know people who that happened to but will not mention them, but I nonetheless pray for them. It can also be an attempt to help people see the world outside, and not online, because that is the only way to really see the truth and remember the main reason Facebook was invented was to see how your friends are doing without having to contact them.
On an unrelated note, I wanted to see that movie in theaters when it was released, but my mother was afraid I would get picked on if I went to a movie alone, the same way she was afraid of me learning how to drive. She did eventually see she could not shelter me my whole life and let me go out and about and learn to drive, and I do not hold her former attitude against her. After all, she was the person that helped me find out about Blogspot and Smashwords, and I always be grateful for that. 
That said, I do not know for certain when I will get around to writing that novel, because I am in the eighth chapter of The Primal Realm, The Covert Militia's Second Campaign, and if you want to get ready, read The Penitent Warrior.  


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