The Influence of King Kong and other monster movies. February 2, 2023

I enjoyed monster movies ever since I was a kid, and the one credited with making movies about giant animals popular is the original 1933 King Kong. Nearly every movie that involves giant monsters from Godzilla to Jurassic Park has had some influence from it. I also like Peter Jackson's 2005 remake, though I do agree about the criticism about it being excessively long and how there were a few scenes that belonged in a different movie. I also agree about the criticisms about parts of the original being politically incorrect and sexist with the way it treated the leading lady, which is why I can't decide which one I like more, but you can clearly like both. I also feel I need to say I don't think it is possible to kill a t. rex by breaking its jaws, and it is cool that Kong knocked the sailors off the same log in both, and I like how they joked about the parts that did not age well in Jackon's version.

With all that said, one time when my brother and I were playing with our action figures as kids, we made the game we were playing take place in a parallel dimension where every animal that existed on Earth thrives, and that includes dinosaurs, but I mentioned all that a few nights ago. I mention it again because the book I am in the process of writing, The Primal Realm, takes place in such a world, and not only do prehistoric animals thrive there, but so do mythical creatures. The Covert Militia is about to venture there to protect the people that live there from The Scorpions, Red Russians, Pirate Spectrum, and Order of Neo-Nazis, but first I have to finish writing it, and I have no idea how long that will take. If you are eager to pass time until then, I will again remind you that, The Penitent Warrior, is available on any Barnes & Noble Nook reader, and at


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