The movie 65. March 12, 2023


I have been a dinosaur fan as long as I can remember, and always like seeing them in action/adventure movies. Even if the movie I see advertised, doesn't have top-quality, I still often see such movies. When I saw the trailers for 65, I was pretty sure it would not be great, but because I always liked dinosaurs, I was sure it would have merit, and it did. 

There was very little dialogue, and the story was very simple. A space pirate falls through a time slip, and crash lands on Earth during the Mesozoic era. He has to protect his only surviving passenger, from flesh-eating dinosaurs, and that's it. That said, the action scenes were entertaining, which was likely the only reason people saw it. 

Because I'm a dinosaur fan, I always envisioned them being in my books. When I told the movie's plot to my mom, she said it sounded like the story I am working on as I am writing this blog. I said, sort of. In my story, the Covert Militia goes to a parallel dimension where every animal that existed on Earth thrives, even if they are extinct. The Pirate Spectrum, who are prominent allies to the Scorpions, smuggle them out of that dimension, so the terrorists can use them as weapons. The Militia must protect the native people there, some who live similar to Native Americans, others still in the Dark Ages of Europe, from the Order of Neo-Nazis, who are assisted by the Scorpions, neo-Soviets, and Iron Batons. But first I have to finish writing, and before you read it, you should read The Penitent Warrior. And if you are one of the people who downloaded it while I was giving it away for free last week, during Smashwords read an Ebook week, I thank you. 


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