Thoughts on the Pirates of the Carribean movies. March 14, 2023

When I saw there was going to be a movie based on one of the most famous Disney rides, I was one of the few people who was not skeptical. Seeing the trailer, I was intrigued at seeing a PG-13 Disney film. At the time, I was excited about seeing the Lord of the Rings finally made into a movie and anticipated each movie at the end of the year. Because Orlando Bloom was in it, I had a feeling I would see an early trailer, because at the time I had recently started going to movies, mainly to see those. I had a great time seeing it when it was released, at a time when pirates were people downloading movies illegally. I always envisioned pirates in the Covert Militia Campaigns and that gave me ideas for how to portray them. It also gave me a brief crush on Keira Knightly but that came to an end when my former boss made an unfunny sexist joke about it, that I will not talk about now. The story was nothing spectacular, but everyone remembers how Johnny Depp stole the show as Captain Jack Sparrow, but I think there was a bit more to it than that. Also, I am pretty sure Geofrey Rush was born to play a pirate. 

I will now briefly talk about the sequels. People are split on a lot of them, and some people abhor. I personally, find parts of them entertaining. They all have some cool action, and funny moments. Sometimes, they bring back unnecessary characters, and it is debatable whether or not they should do that. Sometimes, I think they should have the actors play different characters for familiarity, but there is nothing I can do about that. I am not sure if they will reboot that series, or what they will do in the future. I only wonder if that is what finally got Disney to make PG-13 movies, how much longer will they go into R-rated territory. 


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