Poor Things January 28, 2024

 It's weird how the Best Picture Nominations at the Acadamy Awards always go to unusual movies, or at least not the first movie I would see. The first ones I would see are action thrillers, which are just a fun way to spend time, which was why movies were created. They did, however, eventually evolve into an art form. That brings me back to the opening statement. The Best Picture Nominee is usually something artistic and lewd. The main reason I went to see Poor Things was because it was one of the few movies I have not seen yet, and I was curious to see why it got the nominee. There were a few parts that made me laugh, and it was a good example of world building, and that is where I will give it credit. It was the gratuity that got to me, and the way it showed Emma Stone in those situations, that set me off. It was also the way they made her from a human to a robot that were uncomfortable. That was enough to make me see why it was nominated, but I did not recommend it to my parents. 

That said, I'm working on finishing a novel that is a good example of world building and has action galore. I don't know how long it will take to finish but after the chapter I'm currently writing there is only two more, including the epilogue. I will say when it is ready, but for now, if you are interested in reading my work, and the work of many other independent authors, click on the link. Smashwords.com 


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