IF May 20, 2024
I told my mom the plot to the new movie, IF, and she said it sounded very sweet, and she was right. It has a compelling story about imaginary friends looking for new kids to hang with, and is very touching, when it talks about growing up and not forgetting the carefree innocence of childhood. It was one of the few movies these days that earns its PG rating for language by swearing more than once. What I mean by that is if you are only going to swear once to get a PG rating you may as well not swear at all and go with a G, which is what this movie does not do. It had a very creative premise, and it was used beautifully. If you are interested in reading anything I write with a similar premise, but more for adults that kids can enjoy you can read both novels that comprise my book series, The Covert Militia Campaigns, on the link. Both are half off until June 12. Smsahwords.com.
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