My personal review of The Primal Realm March 25, 2024

If you have not read The Penitent Warrior, The Covert Militia's First Campaign, stop reading. In their Second Campaign, The Fourth Militia travels to a parallel world inhabited by every animal that ever existed on Earth, including ones that are extinct. That was how the Pirate Spectrum, allies to the Scorpions, smuggled dinosaur eggs to Earth to be used as bioweapons. Now that the Militia has discovered the porthole to the Primal Realm, they journey there and assist the nomadic tribes and feudal kingdoms under the oppression of the Scorpions and the Order of Neo-Nazis. At the same time, the Neo-Soviets, Red Russians, are making progress realigning the U.S.S.R. and are planning to make a pact with the Neo-Nazis that will rebuild the Berlin Wall. This shows unique world building and is full of breathtaking action, with relatable characters and a compelling story about life with Asperger syndrome in the late 20th century. If you are interested in reading it, or its precursor, ...