
Showing posts from April, 2024

New Star Wars movies and the future Mandalorian movie. April 30, 2024

 With it being Star Wars week, I just want to say something I've said many times before. That is whatever Disney has planned for future Star Wars projects, I do not think anything in that galaxy will beat A New Hope , Empire Strikes Back , and Return of the Jedi . That does not mean there will never be another good Star Wars movie, and I'm pretty sure the Mandalorian and Grogu movie will be entertaining. As for the last trilogy, it is something I also probably already said, and that is I thought they were good sci-fi fantasy, action-adventure movies, but not good Star Wars movies. There are a lot of missed opportunities that would have made them better, such as giving Finn a better story arc about what made him renounce the First Order, and not randomly make Poe Dameron impulsive. Had they planned the Emperor coming back in the end from the beginning it would not have been so bad, same as having Rey be his granddaughter. There were a lot of good action scenes, and things they c...

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. April 22, 2024

One would think The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare would be a boring realistic take on the recently declassified documents about the first special force unit during World War II, but in truth it was a fun, action packed historical comedy. The action was great, and it had a fun sense of humor, and was acted well. It was funny how one of the supporting characters that established the unit was my second favorite author after Tolkien, and in the movie, he introduced himself the same way the iconic character he created does, when Cary Elwes character said, "This is Lieutenant Commander," and he cut him off saying, "Fleming, Ian Fleming." The end showed what happened to the characters after the event of the war, but it was for the most part, a fun action comedy. It reminded me of another action comedy, Guy Ritchie made in 2015, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. which underperformed at the box office, but most critic and audiences enjoy it, including me. I have a feeling if this ...

Castaway Island April 16, 2024

 The majority of stories I write and read are action-adventure thrillers, but sometimes I lapse, so I can write a story with more depth. If somebody who does not write the kind of adventure stories, I write likes when I share the link, I read their work as a sign of gratitude. Paco Jones liked when I posted the link to my books on the Smashwords Facebook pages, and therefore I read his book, Castaway Island. It tells the story of a family whose mother died, and they decide to spend several years sailing around Mexico and South America. However, a storm sends them to a parallel world where nobody ages or dies, and they befriend a member of a Council who shows them interesting scientific and historical facts nobody knew about. They then use that information to share the truth. It may not have much action, but was still compelling, even if it might not make a good movie, but I could be wrong. If you are interested in reading Paco's work or mine, click on the link.

Civil War April 15, 2024

  The new movie Civil War showed exactly what things would be like if there is a Second American Civil War. The president and many American citizens pretended the turmoil was not happening, and when they stormed D.C it was thrilling. What was good about it is it was made to appeal to liberals and conservatives, for the way it depicted both sides eager to stop the conflict, and feeling like combat was necessary in some way. It was like The Outlaw Josey Wales, one of my favorite Clint Eastwood Westerns, which showed fighting and compromise, and was about when to negotiate and when to fight. It is the same thing I am trying to do in my books, and appeal to conservatives and liberals, and in my latest one it will be about how dinosaurs became extinct, talking about the scientific meaning and what scripture says. If you would like to see what it is like, you can click on the link to read my books, and many other independent authors at Smashwords.  

What The Primal Realm is like. April 9, 2024

  I have already written my own personal review of my latest novel, The Primal Realm, but this is a short blog about what the parallel world the title refers to is like. It is a primitive world where every animal that ever existed on Earth thrives. The land they see is partly desert and rainforest, which is why the people who live there call it the Desert Jungle. That includes extinct ones, such as dinosaurs. There also nomadic hunter tribes, similar to the Native Americans of the Great Plains and the Southwest, and a bit of the Inca, the Maya, and the Aztecs.  They mostly travel on horseback, but often employ dinosaurs and other large animals to assists them in agriculture and war. As a means of avoiding the Covert Militia going into White Savior territory, there are also feudal kingdoms. The first one they journey to is called Eoforham and its principal city is called Edmont. The title king is said after their potentate's name, similar to Rohan in Middle Earth. The people wh...

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

 Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire gave what was expected when the monsters were fighting, which was good, because the plot was very standard. Godzilla is used by the government as a weapon against terrorists and other monsters from outer space, while Kong is in a dimension in the center of the Earth. The two of them start working together to fight bad monsters, and that is really all there is. Like I said, the monster fights, which are the only reason anybody sees those movies, are a lot of fun, and you will not be disappointed. If you are looking for something that tells a compelling story with thrilling action, you can click on the link to preorder my latest novel, The Primal Realm, and its precursor, The Penitent Warrior, at Smashwords where you can download the work of various independent authors.