Inspiration from playing with action figures and The Truth of Tyrannosaurus Rex. January 31, 2023

One of the things that gave me the idea to write books for a living was how I always played with my action figures as a kid. A lot of the plots in my books are based around those times my brother and our friends played with them. There were a few times when we were playing with them, and we disagreed about things, and I worked them into the stories. I have been a dinosaur fan as long as I can remember, and I was determined to include them in my books, but the hard part was thinking up a creative way to do so. I therefore, expanded on an idea that was likely already used, and that was to have them be found in a parallel dimension, where every animal that existed on Earth thrives, as do mythical creatures such as Elves, Dwarves, hobbits, dragons, orcs, and trolls, but first you have to read it. All that said, one of the ideas happened when I was in kindergarten. It was just after Christmas, and I was playing with a G.I. Joe command center I got while my brother and a girl fro...