The Two Towers. February 28, 2023

All Lord of the Rings fans have a different opinion on their favorite entry in the saga, and mine is The Two Towers. There is a fair share of people who say that because of Gollum, but for me, it is Helm's Deep. I also like the way it helped us get to know the characters we met halfway through The Fellowship of the Ring better. It got to be where they were easier to distinguish, because it annoyed me when I was at the Tennessee Rehabilitation Center and had to repeatedly explain how Aragorn lived and Boromir died. Nobody would forgive me if I don't mention Andy Serkis's performance as Gollum, because it was outstanding. I agree that it really should have been nominated for an Academy Award for best supporting actor. The only reason was they couldn't see Serkis act, but he was technically there with the animation over his performance. When I heard Lord of the Rings was being made into a movie, I thought Gollum would be a puppet/costume, and that Serkis would just prov...